Monday 30 April 2012

Regional Identity

Representation of regional identity- The only way is Essex
Camera angles-
Most have fake boobs, whitened teeth, hair extensions, fake nails, fake tan. High heels
One of the girls says she ‘wants it to be natural ‘ followed by ‘inject me up’ contradicting herself, representing Essex as being stupid.
The girls are talking about having their boobs done and their teeth whitened at the party, no real important conversations. Representing
Continuity editing is used by the drama showing the botox being inserted upstairs and the rest of the party going on downstairs.
Sound-  Non-diegetic music such as the song ‘flawless’ by George micheal is played in the background of the girls walking down the road. indicating that these girls have an expectation to live up to. Their costumes represent this by looking immaculate with big high heels (that they cant walk in), big handbags, big sunglasses. They look like celebrities except they aren’t.
 ‘Why are you not having it done babes?’- almost as if it’s a crime that one of the girls doesn’t want to have botox done. ‘if you don’t have it done then you are going to be well jel’
Mise en scene-
In our first scene we have three people at a gym due to the mise en scene of running machines and their costumes being gym wear. However we see an instant regional identity representation due to the fake tans, fake nails, fake boobs and a face full of make up even eyelashes at the gym. An expectation of a supposed ‘essex’ look. This shows the area which these people come from i.e. Brentwood, they come from money and are at a luxurious gym.
The dialect used is not pronounced properly  such as ‘em’ instead of ‘them’  and ‘me’ instead of ‘my’ representing a chavy representation.  Although they come from money their accents do not represent this. They are constantly addressing each other as ‘babe’
Close up shots of the girls faces are commonly used, showing the amount of make up they are wearing to work out at the gym. Even wearing full lash extensions, which is really unnecessary for the gym ( a work out)

Thursday 15 March 2012

Eastenders Clip

Eastenders clip. Representation of social class. Bianca steals and gets arrested *need to do sound*
At the beginning we get a mid shot of Bianca looking at the perfume, preferably planning what shes about to (eg. Steal the perfume) Close up of the perfume,
Bianca is wearing big golden hoop earrings (lots of bling going on) compared to Janine who is wearing a smart coat representing a more aspirational middle class than JANINE. Janine is paying for the perfume on the stall which is placed in a working class market, no real upper class/middle class jobs, all very local. Janine speaks nicer than Bianca.
Janine puts the perfume in Biancas face almost as to show off that she can buy the perfume which angers Bianca. Janine is very smug when she walks off.
She hasn’t got enough money for xmas presents so shes stealing them. Not really a working class thing to do as they would have money to pay for the presents.
Over shoulder shot.
Reaction shots when conversation takes place
Mid shot
Extreme close up of Janine putting perfume in her bag and in her pocket
Shes outside lots of people are around- in a market the location represents the wealth of the place she lives in
Lighting is darker in her house, representing bad about to be arrested. She knows shes in the wrong. Tacky decorations.
Close up of jewellery behind the sofa- its hidden, not on display. Obviously not meant to be there, she stands by the gap of the sofa  so the police men cant see it.  Quite frantic at this moment chucking pillows about. Mouthing off to the police officer.
Editing is slow throughout the clip
Bianca ends up wacking the police officer. Stereotypically- Police officer in common police outfit. Looks Shocked once she’s lashed out.
Bianca gets feisty  and aggressive, shouting at the police officer(her body language)
Theres a clip of her family. Tiffany is wearing tracksuit bottoms.
Close up of her in the police car once shes been arrested (point of view for us)
With regards to the setting the market is an open space full of other people whereas when she is at home in her lounge she is almost locking in the room and cant scape (closed in) she knows shes going to be caught.

Monday 2 January 2012


Isabel Duce  Media Studies.  Tv Drama. 1st + 5th December. Page one
Essay: Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs representations of ethnicity

This clip shows many different representations of ethnicity such as Jamaican in the first scene of the two black men, The second scene shows Japanese and eastern European.
The first scene consists of a reaction shot which happens when a black hotel waiter reacts to seeing an ex friend of his nicknamed ‘tel’ in the hotel he is working at. It is clear that he is shocked and embarrassed to see this old friend as he looks embarrassed and scratches his head and even looks around him to see if anyone is looking. He is very eager to ‘get back to the desk’

The angles from the over the shoulder shots are key when the black men first meeting in the first scene. The angle is looking up to the hotel worker whereas the angle (from over the hotel workers shoulder) to the resident of the hotel is looking down the effect of this is to show the representation of the different classes the men both have even though we know that they both are from the same ethnicity however they are now in different classes as the scene uses mise en scene as we have the brightly coloured swimming shorts of the hotel guest to represent the Jamaican colours and all the ‘bling’ worn on the men. However the black hotel workers suit uniform is a signifier because the signified message is his costume of being smartly dressed and is working at the hotel, working hard to earn his money as the other one (the guest) has hardly any clothes on and speaks about the ‘ganga’ , ‘top top ladies’ and partying. The black hotel worker is coming away from the ‘typical’ stereotype of young black men.

This scene uses mise en scene as we have the brightly coloured swimming shorts to represent the Jamaican colours and all the ‘bling’ worn on the men. However the hotel workers uniform is a signifier because the uniform is signified message is that
We have a zoomed shot of the hotel worker when the customer says  ‘that’s the old benjamin’
In the very first scene we see a guest of the hotel, Dressed in white who is placed in the corner in the light who is being served by the black man  dressed in a black suit who is in the dark  this could represent whose higher up in status.

We know the maids are foreign due to their accents, maybe eatern european.  The more confident maid stands there waiting for the music to be played with her hand on her hip whereas the less confident maid stands there with her arms together very nervously. The representation of the maids is contrasting because the more confident maid who has obviously done this before  as she knows the man ‘pays double for double’ is wearing black underwear compared the other maid who clearly has never done this before is wearing white and a cross. White signifies purity and cleanleness. This is again the different representations of  people in the same ethnicity.

The representation of the japanese man also known as a ‘regular’ is shown as a very rich. He is paying for the maids to dance for him.
There are many digetic and non digetic noises throughout the extract. The first noise we hear is the digetic (natural) sound of the splashing of the pool which is then interrupted by the man coming out of the pool and calling upon the hotel worker. In the maid part we have a ‘mission-themed’ tune played throughout the maids speaking about whats going to happen.

Monday 21 November 2011

Tv Drama and the representation of Ethnicity

Notes from Articles on the blog

How did Roots and The Cosby Show challenge previous sterotypical representations of black people in TV dramas?

Roots- More realisitic views- slavery, rape, deal with racial predudence of black people started to change in 1984. Not that long ago in terms of history

Cosby- 'Focusing on the everyday adventures of an upper-middle-class black family, This family was unlike other black families previously seen on television in that it was solidly upper-middle-class--the Huxtables lived in a fashionable Flatbush brownstone' -The black man was a doctor- all of a sudden was showing an educated person living with a university degree with a profession. Living in a penthouse suite with money and had 5 children at private school. He was shown as being successful which was a really important stage of TV history.

What does the article say about the represntaion of black policman in programmes such as Miami Vice and Hawaii Five-O?

Miami Vice- 
hawaii five-0- The black policeman in it his most frequent line was 'yes boss'- taking orders. shown as a position of not being in charge,


Wednesday 12 October 2011

Different opening scenes

Rebecca and I have chosen the sub genre 'crime'. The programmes we will be looking at are 'ashes to ashes, luther and the bill'

convential- ashes to ashes. the bill
unconventinal- luther

The bill beginning scene-

Analysing Ashes To Ashes Clip

Ashes To Ashes Clip

Sub genre - Crime

Sound - Up until 30 seconds into the clip, there is non diegetic sound in the background. The music has a fast pace and sounds like a clock ticking, which fits in well with them only having a certain amount of time to find the suspect. After the music has stopped other people's voice can be heard talking and a telephone ringing, this is diegetic sound.

Camera Work 

When the camera shows this man a low angle shot is used. This implies that he is a dominant character and he is in charge of the team or the top inspector.

Reaction shots are used to show the expressions of the team when they are given their job to do. For example when Shaz is told to make a coffee she rolls her eyes and looks down.

This is a two shot which shows two of the team.

A close up is used to show the petition that some of the workers are talking about.

At the beginning of the clip the camera zooms out from the Inspector's back as he turns round to reveal the scene and who is talking. 

Lighting - the lighting comes from the lights in the ceiling which are bright and look office lights rather then lights you would have at home.

Costume - The more important people in the team are dressed in their own clothing but some members are in police force uniform. The people dressed in their own clothing are wearing clothes from the 60s era. The main woman in the scene is also quite glamorous.

Conventions - Some of the conventions of a crime drama are shown such as it is in a police station and they are talking about an investigation. They are also been given tasks each to help find out information. The police uniform is also a convention.



Sub genre - Crime

Sound - Starts off with the speaking of the characters and diegetic sound of the rustling being trod on by people walking can be heard. When the inspectors bends down to the victim mysterious music begins to play which is non-diegetic. When the scene changes to the police station there is diegetic sound of Luther throwing a ball. Non-diegetic begins to play again which builds up tension.

Camera Work

this is an over the shoulder shot but it is a track camera movement because it seems like we are walking behind him.
this image shows a point of vie shot however the camera movement zooms into the victim.
this image shows a close up of the victims head and her belongings around her that the murderer has specifically put there.

Luther is looking quite coventional,



Sound- It begins with the sound of the radio whilst she is driving along at night. Once the body has been discovered and the detective is checking out the car there is noise in the background to create a sense of mystery . We have digetic sounds such as the noises the main detective makes walking. There also is the noise of running water in the river
Camera work-
Lighting-  The lighting we see is off of the flashing of the police  lights also by the moonlight. The headlights on the cars are not on so it leaves the audience hanging onto what the police man has discovered in the grass we only see the spotlights of the torches on the victim.
Costumes-  We have the typical police jacket on the policeman who discovers the body.

Thursday 6 October 2011

My 2 Minute Clip

The two characters in this clip are the pupil 'Vicki' and the teacher 'Mr Mead'
Vicki is dressed in a stereo typical school uniform however she wears it roughly (top button undone, tie worn loosely) to represent her character which is naughty and rebellious. Mr Mead wears a slightly unusual 'teacher' outfit, He wears a casual polo unlike the teachers in my school wear shirts and ties this could relate to how he is represented because the whole clip is about his relationship with a pupil and his costume could represent he isnt what we would call a 'proper' teacher.
The clip is set in a school classroom and is a conversation of the teacher and a pupil
Camera angles
The  camera angles are all the same

Friday 23 September 2011

Tv Drama Conventions


Name of DramaEastenders
Broadcaster-  BBC 1 -Broadcasts at 19:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and 20:00 on Mondays and       Fridays.
Writer-  Various writers
Director- Various Directors
Producer- Lorraine Newmann
Characters: In the clip it contains good characters, about family and friends gathering at a church wedding.
 Icons- Peggy Mitchell very famous in Eastenders because she has been there a long time and her iconic phrases such as 'Get out of my pub'
Location: A Church
Dialogue- There is no voiceover. Its just the characters speaking.
Stories: Obviously its about a wedding in a church. We know this because she is wearing a wedding dress and there is a vicar, They get married and then Honey starts going in to labour,

Here at the beginning of the clip we see an EXTREME CLOSE UP of the wedding rings, so we know straight away that the programme is going to be about a wedding.
Also in the clip they used a TWO SHOT  of the character 'minty' and his date.

An OVER THE SHOULDER  shot was used in the clip, we can see the vicar conducting the ceremony.
This screenshot is a CLOSE UP  shot but also could be a POINT-OF-VIEW shot from either Honey the bride or Billy the Groom.

Here we have the REACTION SHOT of Billy reacting to Honey going into labour.

There aren't any Medium shots because it is an intimate ceremony. There are no overhead or aerial shots. There also is no establishing shot because we have already know what the seen is about due to the extreme close  up of the rings.