Monday 30 April 2012

Regional Identity

Representation of regional identity- The only way is Essex
Camera angles-
Most have fake boobs, whitened teeth, hair extensions, fake nails, fake tan. High heels
One of the girls says she ‘wants it to be natural ‘ followed by ‘inject me up’ contradicting herself, representing Essex as being stupid.
The girls are talking about having their boobs done and their teeth whitened at the party, no real important conversations. Representing
Continuity editing is used by the drama showing the botox being inserted upstairs and the rest of the party going on downstairs.
Sound-  Non-diegetic music such as the song ‘flawless’ by George micheal is played in the background of the girls walking down the road. indicating that these girls have an expectation to live up to. Their costumes represent this by looking immaculate with big high heels (that they cant walk in), big handbags, big sunglasses. They look like celebrities except they aren’t.
 ‘Why are you not having it done babes?’- almost as if it’s a crime that one of the girls doesn’t want to have botox done. ‘if you don’t have it done then you are going to be well jel’
Mise en scene-
In our first scene we have three people at a gym due to the mise en scene of running machines and their costumes being gym wear. However we see an instant regional identity representation due to the fake tans, fake nails, fake boobs and a face full of make up even eyelashes at the gym. An expectation of a supposed ‘essex’ look. This shows the area which these people come from i.e. Brentwood, they come from money and are at a luxurious gym.
The dialect used is not pronounced properly  such as ‘em’ instead of ‘them’  and ‘me’ instead of ‘my’ representing a chavy representation.  Although they come from money their accents do not represent this. They are constantly addressing each other as ‘babe’
Close up shots of the girls faces are commonly used, showing the amount of make up they are wearing to work out at the gym. Even wearing full lash extensions, which is really unnecessary for the gym ( a work out)

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